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A Screenwriters Blog


"What makes a film great?" The answer is simple.

Great film like any other form of great art must

evoke an emotional response, good or bad.

It's got to move me, make me question why

this is so and what it says about me

as an individual.   


I have called the blog "Celluoid Heroes".

Taken from a song by "The Kinks".

Blog: Father Ted. The art of being Irish. I could watch it every year for the rest of my life and see something new each time. Dermot Morgan’s wit is as good as Wilde’s and will stand the test of time. His ability to write and act makes him a rarity. Treasure it!

A movie that would not get made in today’s world. Boyle is bad person who happens to be a cop. His overtly racist tone lays the ground for the fact he hates most people. Especially the ones from Dublin. Don Cheadle made this film work because he understood what John Michael McDonagh wanted to say. The younglad cycling the pink girls bike is genius.

Director: Barbet Schroeder

Writer: Charles Bukowski

Stars: Mickey Rourke, Faye Dunaway, Alice Krige

A film about drink and genius. Based on Bukowski's life but I can smell Behan, Van Gough, and Francis Bacon off it as well. Faye Dunaway is amazing and Rourke keeps up the standard. The opening and closing scenes always make me smile.

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