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A Screenwriters Blog


"What makes a film great?" The answer is simple.

Great film like any other form of great art must

evoke an emotional response, good or bad.

It's got to move me, make me question why

this is so and what it says about me

as an individual.   


I have called the blog "Celluoid Heroes".

Taken from a song by "The Kinks".

The best short film I've ever seen. To pick a selection of actors with little experience and to get the performances like that is magical. It's hard to see past the young girl but it's a crime not to mention all the cast members who played an absolute blinder. This film has all the magical ingredients and then some.

Do yourself a huge favour and watch this piece of Art. It's beautiful.

There's a song by The Fureys and Davey Arthur called Gallipoli, which goes...

You fought for the wrong country, you died for the wrong cause.

And your ma often said that it was Ireland's great loss

All those fine young men who marched to foreign shores to fight the wars

When the greatest war of all was at home

Those words remind me of a painting by Samuel Chamberlain called The Hanging of the San Patricios. The story of Francis O'Connor, one of the condemned is a surreal look at the meaning of Irishness.

By order of Gen. Wilfred Scott, 30 San Patricios were to be executed at Chapultepec in full view of the two armies who had fought there, at the precise moment that the flag of the U.S. replaced the flag of Mexico atop the citadel. This order was carried out by Col. William Harney. While overseeing the hangings, Harney ordered Francis O'Connor hanged even though he had both legs amputated the previous day.

What type of man hangs a lad with no legs?

We all have a soft spot for a rogue but Francis Begbie stretches the meaning of the word "rogue" to its limits. Bordering on the psychotic he is one of those great characters that forces you to examine you as well as him.

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